Sunday, May 9, 2010

These Days....

I went into Bangkok on Thursday to meet a friend and everything seemed to be peaceful, suggesting a return to normal. Sadly two police officers were then killed Friday night and once more the peace, so to speak, is a delicate one.

Back in Blighty the mother of parliaments hasn't managed to create a new government following Thursday's general election. I suspect we are going to see Gordon Brown's enforced resignation followed by a Labour-Liberal Democrat-Nationalist-Green-Alliance government. I feel sorry for Gordon Brown and I have no doubt that many see this as an opportunity to settle old scores with him. The media are suggesting that the pressure is on to make some sort of announcement today before the world markets start trading Monday.

Here it is baking hot around 40º C which is the hottest temperature I have ever lived in. As I write the temperature at 20:00h is 32.5º C! We are living in the bedroom with fans and A/C, and I am still sweating as is Benedict. Yesterday I went bird watching at a nearby reservoir which covers a fairly large area of land: there has been an amazing loss of water over the last 4 weeks. We badly need rain which is forecast as the rainy season's arrival is imminent. Let's hope it comes this week otherwise we will have serious problems.

I am back to work tomorrow but fortunately no students for this week. So I can get organised this week and ready for children next week. I must say I have had a pleasant and very welcome break.

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