Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Prayer Answered Updated

I have been toying with removing the previous entry because I have been rather premature in proclaiming this as prayers answered. The update is I called the college and they do not think my first degree enables me to meet the entry requirements. I know the first degree isn't worth the paper it is written on although it looks mighty grand, parchment, Latin script and a real red seal. As I write this I am calm and have virtually accepted that at this stage there is no point pursuing this. My gut reaction is my current qualifications will enable me to work here as an English teacher of some description and I am confident I will get a start in May when the new school year begins.

Now I will keep the posting up just to show how wrong I can be! Maybe it will serve as a reminder to desist from such hubris in the future! But it would be kind of wrong to pull it down simply because it makes me appear a bit of a chump!

The episode concerning my degree was constructive if a little painful, bringing me back all those years. Aged 17 I was a dangerous mess, seething with rage and resentment and I don't think I really ever had much respite from this state of affairs until my mid-forties. There is still some of that stuff lingering but I do feel a long way from it. For that I am truly grateful to God. Enough said.

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