Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday Night

Quiet night tonight with Luna entertaining a few friends under the guise of a shower party. Benedict now has plenty of clothes, nappies, even a bath tub now, creams, brushes, bottles, toys and a teddy bear. A movie, Nine Months, was playing in the background, a coincidence,and I must say I felt a mite tearful when Hugh Grant was holding a new born baby. I am prepared for Benedict's arrival to be a major shock to the system, no doubt totally unprepared in real terms, but I think it is also going to be a big emotional charge.

I believe Benedict is going to give me a deep level of happiness and satisfaction and I am reasonably confident I am going to be a good father. These are remarkable words for me to write; at 35 I would have done anything and everything not to be a father.I can also tell you the reason for that was I knew I was crazy and I knew that I would pass that madness onto any child I had whether I wanted to or not. How we change!

It is fairly quiet in Thailand. Political no man's land. Perhaps the calm before the storm. The main story is swine flu which is here in Ratchaburi, 2 reported cases as of yesterday, and which is running at about 600 cases nationally. A lot of concerns in the school, and some kids have been wearing face masks. There have been school closures in Bangkok. If I had it, I think I am on the mend; I still have cold traces but I am definitely better.

Work has really taken over my life. I must make time for some golf one of these weekends. I am going to be pretty busy however. We are going up to Bangkok next weekend and the weekend after that we maybe heading to Chantaburi, over in the eastern side of Thailand, for the installation of our friend, Fr Siripong,as the new Bishop. This will obvioulsy depend on buntis, Tagalog for a pregnant woman! Then of course Benedict is expected soon after. In real terms it might be some time until I see a golf course. I am enjoying watching the US Open coming in from Bethpage, NY. Unbelievable to think a golf major is being played on a public golf course; by all accounts it is a really challenging experience.

The birding is good locally so fortunately I don't have to travel far. On Wednesday about 1 km from home I had the joy of watching a beautiful lesser whistling duck taking her new born duckling for a swim while dad patrolled the skies. What a wonderful moment!

I am tired and not yet firing on all cylinders but I am very happy with my prospects

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your on the mend, you will need all your energy when wee Benedict comes along. Not long now just over 3 weeks
