Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Benedict just for a change!

Benedict's first 24 hours were very civilised indeed. No catastrophes and Benedict served notice that his bowels are working. The nurses call him Daeng, which in Thai means red, and he is pretty red right now as he has inherited his father's skin pigmentation.Everyone in Thailand has a nick name so perhaps Benedict's might be Daeng.

Luna is making a splendid recovery and the doctor reckons she and Benedict can come home on Saturday. Benedict is breast feeding too and he is learning fast!

What a day I have had. I had my son all to myself for about two hours this afternoon while Luna rested. He lay against my chest and snoozed away, absolutely priceless. He seems quite calm, understandably a wee bit grumpy, but no major traumas to report. I am loving being a father and I can hardly say I am excited about the prospects of work tomorrow. But what an unbelievable experience so far.

There's a column running in where I asked for some advice for a first time father over 50. It has triggered a beautiful outpouring of messages. Thanks guys. Been getting lots of emails and have been on the phone to Scotland, Philippines, London, and Australia. Thanks all for your messages and prayers. This is truly one of the defining moments of my life.

Here are some more photos.

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