Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What I Love and What I hate about Thailand

I hate the queues at Tesco Lotus and the inefficiency of their staff. You know the situation, it happens in supermarkets all over the world. The bar code scanner doesn't work, manual entry of the bar code doesn't work, the phone call to reception doesn't work, and then ten minutes later the customer decides not to take the goods in question and then five minutes later the  same customer challenges the price of some goods which are supposed to be on special offer...... And then it happens again with the next customer. You know this situation doesn't happen at markets! In the great scheme of things a high class problem.

What I love is ordering "Khao Ka Moo" or ข้าวขาหมู and feeling famished as I watch the delightful ladies in the local shop prepare it. It tastes divine and at 25 baht a dish it is dirt cheap. That was our lunch today. I love my local car wash. You take your car in and they drive you home and take the car away and then return it to you. 120 baht or about £2.60. The quality of the car wash is brilliant.

And here is our little treasure, the owner of two teeth and bow able to clap his hands; soon to walk and talk. Life is good and we are enjoying our long holidays. Hope you are well.

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